Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya
The Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya is located in the Palau Nacional of Montjuïc, constructed for the International Exposition of 1929.
In 1934 it opened its doors as the Museu d'Art de Catalunya, bringing together the medieval collection. Subsequently, in 1995, then as the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, the new rooms of Romanesque art were inaugurated, and in a successive way the public presentation of the collection was extended, a process that ended in 2004 with the integration of modern art.
Visiting the museum you can see the best collection of Romanesque mural painting in the world and the most representative artists of Catalan Modernism, such as Gaudí or Casas. Gothic art, great European Renaissance and Baroque painters, for example Tiziano or Velázquez, and the collection of photography, complete the collection.
The major strength, quality and versatility of the collection allows you to have a 360º experience: Before, during and after your visit.
Palau Nacional. Parc de Montjuïc08038 Barcelona